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Utility of automated data transfer for cancer clinical trials


May 2024


Altomare I, Shelley A, Lu Y, et al. Utility of automated data transfer for cancer clinical trials. J Clin Oncol 41, 2023 (suppl 16; abstr e18550. 2024.


High data collection requirements for cancer/clinical trials place a significant burden on site staff. This often results in inefficiencies and delays stemming from manual data entry into EDC systems. This process, prone to errors, compromises data quality and disrupts timely reporting. To address these challenges, implementing software that enables automated transfer of structured data from electronic health records (EHR) to the study's EDC system presents a promising solution.

In this study, researchers aimed to evaluate the impact of deploying EHR-to-EDC connector, Flatiron Clinical Pipe across multiple multi-center Phase 1 cancer clinical trials, assessing its effectiveness in streamlining study data capture processes.

Why this matters

This study confirms that EHR-to-EDC software facilitates automated transfer of a meaningful volume of patient data quickly and efficiently. The findings suggest that widespread adoption could revolutionize clinical trial data management, offering significant time and resource savings. As capabilities evolve to enable automated transfer of even more types of study data, this approach holds promise for further enhancing efficiency and effectiveness in clinical research.

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