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Structural racism and inequities in real-world treatment and survival among patients with four solid-tumor cancers


August 2023


Pittell H, Guadamuz J, Pierre A, Ryals C, Calip G. Structural racism and inequities in real-world treatment and survival among patients with four solid-tumor cancers. Poster presented at: ICPE 2023; August 23-27, 2023; Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Accessed August 10, 2023.


Within the realm of cancer outcomes, structural racism assumes a critical role as it encompasses the interplay of systems, structures, and institutions that maintain and perpetuate cancer care inequities

This research aimed to investigate the associations between structural racism and treatment initiation as well as survival rates among individuals diagnosed with four specific types of solid-tumor cancers: metastatic breast cancer (mBC), advanced non-small cell lung cancer (aNSCLC), metastatic pancreatic cancer (mPC), and advanced endometrial cancer (aEC). 

Why this matters

By exploring these associations, this study aims to shed light on the contribution of structural racism to inequities in cancer care delivery and outcomes. 

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