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Bridging the gap between oncologists and payers: Impact of an EHR-embedded CDS tool in oncology clinical pathway adherence


August 2024


Bolha A, Maniago R, Sardesh N, et al. Bridging the Gap Between Oncologists and Payers: Impact of an EHR-Embedded CDS Tool in Oncology Clinical Pathway (OCP) Adherence. Journal of Clinical Pathways. 2024.


Oncology Clinical Pathways (OCPs) have emerged as a strategy to promote evidence-based care while controlling costs, and concordance to these pathways has been associated with equal or better survival outcomes in common cancer diagnoses.  While many factors impact clinician adoption, one known barrier is lack of workflow integration into the EHR.

Specialty care management company New Century Health, now part of Evolent, has de­veloped and updated high-value clinical pathways that incor­porate the latest science and new innovative therapies to ensure the most effective, least harmful treatment for patients at lower costs.  The highest tier level 1 (L1) medical oncology pathways prioritize treatment options that offer the highest quality, greatest efficacy, and low­est toxicity, while recommending lower-cost options among regimens that are roughly equivalent in quality.

In a retrospective, observational, real-world study of treatment patterns across American Oncology Network (AON) medical oncologists, Flatiron researchers found that integrating Evolvent L1 pathways at the point of care through EHR-embedded CDS tool, Flatiron Assist™, increased pathway adherence by providing clinicians with just-in-time clinical and financial insights for optimal treatment decisions.

Why this matters

In an increasingly complex healthcare ecosystem— facing headwinds like dynamic payment models, rapid therapeutic advancements, and workforce shortages—oncologists and their patients are in need of intuitive, EHR embedded technology solutions like Flatiron Assist™ that increase efficiency and enable flexibility for innovative care delivery.

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