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The BEV1L study: do real-world outcomes associated with the addition of bevacizumab to first-line chemotherapy in patients with ovarian cancer reinforce clinical trial findings?


May 2024


Duska L, Lim J, Boyle TAC, et al. The BEV1L study: do real-world outcomes associated with the addition of bevacizumab to first-line chemotherapy in patients with ovarian cancer reinforce clinical trial findings. Poster presented at: ASCO 2024; May 31-June 4, 2024; Chicago, IL. Accessed May 23, 2024.


Evidence from two different phase III trials indicate that including bevacizumab with first-line (1L) chemotherapy for treating stage III/IV ovarian cancer can enhance progression-free survival for most patients. However, trial data also suggests that the benefit in overall survival might be limited to those with high-risk clinical factors. This study aims to leverage real-world data to evaluate how adding bevacizumab to a 1L chemotherapy regimen is associated with  overall survival among different patient subgroups based on risk status, helping to identify who might benefit most from chemotherapy alone versus chemotherapy combined with bevacizumab as 1L treatment.

Why this matters

This real-world study is essential as it validates findings from phase III trials, indicating that the advantages of adding bevacizumab to 1L chemotherapy may be limited to patients with high-risk clinical factors. By leveraging real-world evidence, this research provides valuable insights into the potential implications of integrating bevacizumab into initial treatment protocols for ovarian cancer. Such insights can assist clinicians in tailoring treatment strategies to individual patient needs based on risk status and other factors, thereby optimizing ovarian cancer management.

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